Lab-From-A-Chip Speakers notes go here.
Lab-from-a-chip is a DIY intervention in Lab-On-A-Chip technology
"A lab-on-a-chip is a device that integrates one or several laboratory functions on a single integrated circuit of only millimeters to a few square centimeters to achieve automation and high-throughput screening." via Wikipedia
What am I trying to do? Pass round the foldscope, checkout LabFromAChip


World-to-Chip DIY

Bridging The World-To-Chip Barrier

“Microfluidic devices are an enabling technology for many labs, facilitating a wide range of applications spanning high-throughput encapsulation, molecular separations, and long-term cell culture. In many cases, however, their utility is limited by a ‘world-to-chip’ barrier that makes it difficult to serially interface samples with these devices.”

(Longwell, Scott A, and Fordyce, Polly M. 2019. micrIO: an open-source autosampler and fraction collector for automated microfluidic input–output London Royal Society of Chemistry)

What happens when you take technoscientific systems and make them DIY...
...outside of the “secluded research” (Callon et al. 2009) of the lab: what that entails and what that might mean.
Make a series of tasks/goals/motives/activity to 'tune in' & 'unpack' lab-on-a-chip technology 💬
Exploring by doing; "re-empracticing science". Use 'domestic' surplus as lab; 'research in the wild/kitchen'
Bring electronics and living things together to talk about the pesky 'externalities' of technology
As an artist I tacitly & intuitively facilitate activity (making, talking, playing) that explore ideas and practices. STS has made me notice differently
I think I'm using STS theory and method to build up a 'theoretical repertoire' 📚
"ANT is not a theory. It offers no causal explanations and no consistent method. It rather takes the form of a repertoire...The point is not to fight until a single pattern holds, but to add on ever more layers, and enrich the repertoire. One might say that...researchers involved in ANT are amateurs of reality. Their theoretical repertoires allow them to attune themselves to the world, to learn to be affected by it” (Mol, A. 2010)
What's in the repertoire?
An infinity of Traces:
"The starting-point of critical elaboration is the consciousness of what one really is, and is 'knowing thyself' as a product of the historical process to date which has deposited in you an infinity of traces, without leaving an inventory."
Antonio Gramsci - Quaderni del carcere / The Prison Notebooks
Harraway and Dumit, Implosion Projects:
"Objects like the fetus, chip/computer, gene, a recent construct...(this) does not mean to be unreal or made up... Out of Each of these nodes or stem cells, sticky threads lead to every nook and cranny of the world. Which threads to follow is an analytical, imaginative, physical, and political choice. "
Always be Inventorizing:

Github culture's verbose documentation in DoESLiverpool is, for me and my practice a form of inventorizing of traces and implosions; the key to critical making identities
Lab On A Chip Imaginaries ⚗️ 💻
Discussions 💬
Realising scifi dreams
"In the case of technology, configuration orients us to the entanglement of imaginaries and artefacts that comprise technological projects...configuration as a method assemblage aims to articulate method in a way that opens received and/or congealed relations to being re-enacted differently" (Suchman, L. 2012)
Re-enacting differently
Handheld version
Handheld historical materialist biotic game platform SourdoughBreadBoy
Got repertoire, got workshop, time to unpack... 💬
Unpacking 💬
What's the difference between Metafluidics here and Metafluidics there?
"Not to show that my history is better than yours, my history is worse than yours, I'm the victim and you're somebody who has oppressed people and so on, but rather to understand my history in terms of other peoples history, in other words to try and understand... to move beyond, to generalize, one's own experience to the experience of others. I think...the great.. goal is in fact to become someone else, to transform (one)self from a unitary identity to an identity that includes the other without supressing the difference." Edward Said